You will definitely need to have at least two or three digital products to attract prospects and then to ethically bribe them to bring you more prospects. Once they’re in your funnel, you can present them your affiliate offer, MLM offer or whatever other products you want.
We do not provide products for you. It’s best that you create a specific product that appeals to your market. The more they want it, the higher the likelihood that they would optin and then spread the word. I recommend creating ebooks, reports, video training or even audio. Anything that your visitors might find useful will serve you well in getting them to see your proposition.
If you’re looking for something that includes products you may want to look at My Unfair Advantage.
My Unfair Advantage (MUA) comes with PLR (Private Label Rights) products where you can edit, modify and claim authorship. If you're interested in learning more about MUA, feel free to visit the My Unfair Advantage sales page.
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