Commission Magnets

Am I able to connect Aweber to my lead magnets?

You cannot connect your Aweber to your magnets. These are pages that you are sending traffic TO. So typically, most marketers do that via their Aweber lists that they already have or they do it via some other sort of traffic source, such as Facebook. Your Aweber should be connected to your JVZoo account. This way, when someone purchases, they are put on your list if you didn’t promote via your existing list. To learn how to do this, please see this JVZoo knowledgebase article (https://jvzoo.zen...

I have both Commission Magnets (CM) and ACE, should we be creating links slightly different in CM? 

There is no need for any type of integration between ACE and Commission Magnets. As an ACE member with 100% commissions, even though you’re a Commission Magnets member, your commissions will not go back down to 50%. If you have further questions, please submit a ticket and a member of our team will assist you.

Do I have access to the products we will be promoting for Commission Magnets?

Unfortunately, access to our products is not included in Commission Magnets. In order to gain access to the products, you would have to purchase them. However, I do highly recommend that you purchase MUA (My Unfair Advantage) because that DOES come with access to all of those products. In addition, it comes with weekly coaching via webinar. We currently have over 400+ videos in our archives as we’ve been doing the weekly training webinars (no selling) since April 2010. You can check that pro...